Wireless intruder alert system

  1. Title page (with project title, student’s name, partner’s name, superviser’s
    name, technician’s name and report date)
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Executive Summary ( one page)
  • One page summary about your project – what is about, what you have
    done. List major achievement. This summary section is usually written after
    you complete all other sections.
  1. Introduction
    Problem statements
    Background and motivation
    Related works ( literacy research results)
    Project goal or objective
  2. Project description
    Block diagram of project structures and overall description.
    Main characteristics/features of your solutions
    Detail description of individual section/function/feature.
    Description of demo system
    Component list table with some explanations on key components
    Budget and basic cost analysis
    Limitations or risks and mitigations
  3. Project design and development
  • List in detail of your project design and subsystem development, such as:
    calculations and simulation;
    hardware and/or mechanical design;
    electronic circuit design;
    device and components testing,
    software algorithm development; etc.
  1. Testing and Analysis
  • List in detail what you have done: such as:
    hardware and mechanical testing and analysis;
    subsystem testing and analysis;
    circuitry testing and analysis;
    function and feature testing and analysis;
    software testing and analysis
    integration testing and analysis, etc.
  1. Summary and conclusions
  2. Appendix
    Data sheets
    Software codes
    Electronic schematics
    Mechanical drawing

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