This project will be a 6–8 page paper in APA format. You will select a famous person (by reading a
biography or viewing a movie) to complete a case study and a diagnosis. The person can be a historical or
present-day figure of significance (e.g., has contributed to entertainment, science, industry, politics), or a
fictitious character, such as Forest Gump or Anakin Skywalker.
This assignment in no way suggests that you have the education or training to complete such a task in the
real world. Moreover, it does not imply that your chosen person truly has the diagnosis and/or has
consented to treatment. Therefore, you must write a disclaimer at the beginning of your paper to
demonstrate an awareness of ethical practice. You must also base your diagnosis on information from the
course readings and materials in addition to professional resources from the UMGC library.
Please provide the following in your paper:
Cover sheet: Provide the ethical disclaimer here.
Background information: Give the background information of your subject (age, culture, gender, history,
etc.) Discuss relevant socio-cultural aspects of his or her life—for example, possible historical influences
(e.g., World War II). Discuss these with a focus on etiology.
Diagnostic information: Provide a possible diagnosis, framed against the diagnostic possibilities from the
course readings. Use books, journals, and the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD10) for reference, to help you build your diagnostic summary. Explain signs and symptoms identified and
their coherency with the person’s context (physiology, risk factors). Discuss bias, assumptions, confounds,
and other considerations sound clinical diagnostic practices require.
Compare and contrast of at least two theoretical orientations: Find at least two empirical supports for your
diagnosis that pull from different theoretical orientations. Evaluate the diagnostic value (e.g., applicability,
empirical strengths) of each within the context of your diagnosis. (Empirical supports must come from
professional journals from the UMGC library).
Summary and conclusions: Here, provide a synthesis of data and your conclusions based on a close
analysis of the case.
Your paper should be written as a coherent essay. You may include additional insights in your analysis, but
you must address these key issues.