Operations Management

Write an essay about Chipotle.

Analysis of Operations Process/es. identify one or more operations processes of significant importance within the facility. For selected operations process/es, identify what they should be able to do well to support the organizational strategic objectives (you may choose to draw a process flow chart if you like). How is/are operations process/es currently structured? Does the structure support the desired process expectations?

Recommendation for improvement. How can operations process/es be improved (“could be” and/or “should be”)? For improvements, clearly identify tools and/or concepts learned in classes that were used. Explain thing(s) you would recommend that this facility consider doing differently in terms of its operations.

Implementation and Managerial Implications. Provide some implementation ideas for process improvements. How and why and do you believe this change might improve their operations? What are the lessons learned in this analysis for other facilities(takeaways)?

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