Case study involving social determinants of health in diabetes

Review the “Social Determinants of Health” article in this week’s Learning Resources.Use the Walden
Library to locate a scholarly article (no older than 3 years of publication) that evaluates social determinants
of health in relation to a health issue.Focus on the data sources used and data collection methods
employed for the study found in the scholarly article you selected.

write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
Provide the APA citation for the study you selected.Identify the research question for the study you
selected.Explain, in your own words, the purpose of the study. Identify what type of study design was used
by the researchers who published your study.Explain, in your own words, what the researcher’s rationale
was for using this study design. If a rationale is not provided, explain what you believe is the
rationale.Identify the health condition(s) the researchers studied.Identify the independent variable(s) the
researcher(s) investigated.Explain how the independent variables you identified relate to the five key
domains of the social determinants of health, as well as any other variables they assessed.Describe in
detail the participants of the study and the selection criteria. Explain the type(s) of data and the method(s)
that were used to collect the data for the study.Explain how the social determinants of health were
measured.Identify the sources and types of bias that may have occurred based on the sample and the data
required for analysis.Explain the type of analysis that the researches used to determine the association
between exposure(s) and health outcome(s).Explain the results of the study in your own words. Identify the
more significant findings, including the measures of association (based on the study design). Explain, in
your own words, the conclusions of the study.Identify at least one recent news event that relates to the
health issue the study addressed.Explain, in your own words, the practical applications that the research

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