The Great Gatsby

How does the author’s use of language help us to analyze TWO of the following lenses?
Juxtaposition: Looking at opposites. How do these two very different things or people impact each
other? (Example: What language shows how Daisy is juxtaposed with Myrtle, or Nick juxtaposed with

Gatsby, etc.)
Intersectionality: Social categories such as race, class, and gender and how they impact the characters

and their interactions with each other (Example:How does Fitzgerald use language to divide the sexes? How her role as a female impacts Jordan Baker, or Daisy)
Power, Privilege, and Equity: Who has the power or privilege? Why? Who is powerless? (Example:What
language denotes (signs or indicates) power in the novel? Is Gatsby powerful? What makes him so

Social Commentary: What is the author trying to say, or criticizing about society? (Example: Ultimately,

what is Fitzgerald’s message to the reader about women and feminine power?)

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