- Choose two examples of pilgrimage that we’ve encountered during our semester. Compare and contrast
how pilgrimage is viewed (what the purpose is) and used within the work. Use specific examples. - After reading Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales: Choose one tale and teller, discuss the tale and why that
particular pilgrim told that tale. This will require examples from the tale that the pilgrim tells and examples from
both the general prologue and the pilgrim’s individual prologue/epilogue (if there is one). You must choose a
tale/teller that is not the Miller or the Reeve. Use specific examples. - Explore how the cultures we’ve discussed this semester view fate, prophecy, fortune, and free-will. What
images are used, and what does this say about the cultures that use them. Use specific examples. - Compare and contrast the Gothic and Romanesque style, making sure to identify and discuss them. Use
specific examples. - When we began the 2nd half of this semester the Roman culture was still polytheistic in its religious beliefs.
Since then we have had the introduction of Christianity. Discuss the differences between the two and what the
transition was. Use Specific examples.