Part 1: Criteria for Content: Sections: All sections should have scholarly resources integrated as in-text
citations that support the content. APA current edition is required for all elements of the paper.
Introduction: Overview of Selected Evidenced-Based Practice Quality Improvement Project. Overview should
include rationale for selection of the project topic based upon scholarly resources. The introduction should also
include an overview of the purpose or aim of the paper.
Problem Discussion:
Identification of the selected problem for the quality improvement project: A comprehensive discussion of the
selected problem should be included. It should contain the following elements:
Explanation of the selected problem in detail.
Identify the stakeholders impacted by the concern.
Identify the consequences/importance of the selected concern; state rationale for selection of the topic.
Identify a purpose statement (the specific aim) for this EBP proposal.
PICO question and Literature Search Process: This section identifies the PICO question that will used for this
EBP proposal. The literature search parameters will also be identified. It should contain the following elements:
Identify the PICO question in correct format with all required elements
Identify the steps used to conduct a literature review for this EBP proposal by including:
The specific library databases used
The key search terms and phrases used
The minor (additional) search terms and phrases used
Identify any specialty organization that is relevant to this EBP proposal
Include the following documents in your appendix:
Johns Hopkins Question Development Tool
Theoretical Framework: This section presents the theoretical framework that will used in this Quality
Improvement Project. It should contain the following section:
Explain the theoretical framework to be used in this EBP proposal. Has this theory been used, tested, in your
topic area? Be sure to include references that support your choice of theory.
Describe how the identified theoretical framework is to be applied to this Quality Improvement Project