How To Get Your Green Card In America

Identify and provide a brief explanation of the author’s argument; identify two persuasive strategies that the author uses to support his or her argument and

analyze how those strategies might persuade the reader to support the claim; discuss the assumptions(s) on which the argument is based; and evaluate the

extent to which the reader would find the argument convincing. Keep in mind you should be arguing whether the author is successful or not with their argument.

Be sure to follow these directions carefully, rather than simply agreeing or disagreeing or writing an extensive summary of the article.

Consider These Points as You Write Your Analysis

Who is the specific audience for this article? Who is the author trying to persuade with his or her claim?
What is the author’s purpose for writing the article? What does the author want the reader to know, believe, or do? Why?
Do the rhetorical appeals or strategies the author uses effectively persuade the reader to agree with the author’s claim? Why or why not?
What does the author expect the reader to know, believe, or value that is relevant to the argument? Is this a reasonable expectation or assumption?

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