Process costing

Question 1:

During week four you studied process costing and saw how this cost accounting system varied from job order costing that you learned about in week three. For your week four discussion board post I would like you do identify a publicly traded manufacturing company. BY publicly traded it means they have stock traded on an exchange such as the New York Stock Exchange. I would then like you to research a product they manufacture. Based on what you have found would they use process costing or job order costing. Why did you select the method they did. Please be sure to integrate terms and concepts you learned about in week three and four as you describe the cost accounting system they might use.

(400-450 words in word document with references 6 years or less older)

Question 2:

Subject: Leaderships and change in Organizations

Discuss the social media topic Exhibit 5.3 (pg. 138) in our text and discuss the current status and the ethical issues surrounding social media and employee obligations. Be sure to include at least two recent events that have happened either locally or nationally.

(400-450 words in word document with references 6 years or less old)

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