Common law and civil law systems differ.

a) Discuss the two systems with regard to judicial review, precedent, stare decisis, and the court’s role in establishing new law.
b) How is judicial review viewed today in the U.S.?

  1. Identify four (4) constitutional protections for businesses in the U.S.
  2. Administrative Agencies:
    a) What is the role of Administrative agencies in the legal system in the U.S.?
    b) Identify and briefly discuss ( 3 – 4 sentences) three (3) agencies that impact business in the U.S.
  3. Bran, a Virginia resident, was traveling in Pennsylvania when he was in a car accident with John, a resident of New Jersey. Bran suffered severe injuries that required multiple operations and extensive physical therapy. As Bran prepares to file a lawsuit against John, what are his options with regard to jurisdiction and venue when determining which court to file suit? Identify ALL possible jurisdiction(s) and venue(s) and explain why.
  4. The state of Missouri enacted a statute limiting the size of freight trains entering the state to no more than 80 cars other than the locomotive(s) and the caboose. Assume that there is no federal law mandating a maximum limit of cars, and further assume that freight trains frequently consist of over 100 cars. Missouri justified the law stating that shorter trains are safer and that very long trains inconvenience drivers, causing major traffic jams. Because of the enactment of this law, trains longer than 80 cars must stop and reduce their size, employing additional locomotives to transport the cars through the state where they may again re-couple and proceed. Discuss the validity or invalidity of this law within the context of the commerce clause.
  5. Business ethics is an integral part of business today.
    a) Name the five-step process that a manager should use for ethical decision-making
    b) Your employer assigns you as leader of the corporate social responsibility team.
    1- Discuss HOW you would implement a CSR program in your organization.
    2- WHAT would you include in the company code of conduct?
    c) How does the FCPA impact American businesses?
  6. Explain the purpose of ADR and the advantages and disadvantages of three (3) different types of ADR.
  7. A group of adversely affected parties wants to challenge an agency rule in federal court. What is the process that the judge will use to make his or her decision?
  8. Identify two (2) current events from the past week and FULLY explain the a) legal, b) business, and c) ethical implications in each event. Fully explain in order to earn all points and be sure to include hyperlinks to your sources

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