Health care-related balance sheet.

1) Locate a health care-related balance sheet.

  • The source of the balance sheet can be internal (within a health care facility, heath care organization, health
    care institution of some type) or external health care related article that includes a balance sheet (from a
    published article or from a health care company’s annual report, for example). The balance sheet of choice can
    also be on a quarterly basis and or annual basis.
    -Post a copy of the balance sheet as a Link (URL), JPEG, screen shot, PDF or copy and paste the balance
    sheet within the discussion board forum with your response.
    See Example Heath care Related Quarterly and Annually Balance Sheet link below: Doc attached.
    2) Write your impression and or comment about the assets, liabilities, net worth, revenues, etc. found on your
    balance sheet. Would you prefer more details? Yes or No? Explain your reasoning.
    3) Do you think the balance sheet you have posted/reported gives you useful information? Why or Why not?
    How do you think it could be improved? Explain your reasoning.

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