Cloud Service Providers (CSPs)

There are several Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) that offer Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) including
Google Firebase, Amazon AWS Mobile Hub, and Microsoft Azure App Service, and others.
All of these MBaaS share common services that are offered to mobile app developers, among which are:
Database (relational and NoSQL) access.
Authentication and Identity management.
Cloud storage.
Messaging and notification.
Cloud logic.
Cloud testing.
For this discussion:
Select two CSPs and examine their MBaaS services. Then select two of the MBaaS services offered by the
two CSPs.
Summarize your selection of the two MBaaS services from the two CSPs in a table.
Write a paragraph describing the first MBaaS service you selected and compare and contrast how the service
is offered by the two selected CSPs.
Write a second paragraph describing the second MBaaS service you selected and compare and contrast how
the service is offered by the two selected CSPs.
Explain briefly the steps you took to complete this exercise. Reflect on your experience and what you learned.
Preferred language style US English

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