A Secret History of the Workplace (2014).

‘what you need to do’ which sets out what the commentary has to include.
Nikil Saval is a writer, editor and journalist. A co-editor of n+1 magazine, he is the author of Cubed: A Secret
History of the Workplace (2014).
Read: Saval, N. (2017) ‘Globalisation: The Rise and Fall of an Idea That Swept the World,’ The Guardian, 14
Available as a Podcast at: https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2017/jul/31/globalisation-the-rise-and-fallof-an-idea-that-swept-the-world-podcast
What you need to do
Write a commentary on the above article.
Summarise the main argument(s), succinctly and accurately: What issues does it raise? What questions does it
ask? What solutions, if any, does it propose? (circa 500 words).
Drawing on what you have learned in the previous weeks, explain how the article understands world politics
and evaluate (assess the strengths and weaknesses) how the article understands world politics. Which
understandings of world politics does the article cover? Are there relevant aspects of world politics that are not
covered? If so, do you think it would have benefitted the article if the author had included them, or had used a
different approach to world politics? Be analytical and critical: demonstrate that you have the ability to analyse
and evaluate the article, making sure to always support your opinions with evidence from the sources you draw
on. (circa 1500 words)
Include references and a bibliography.
Commentary should not exceed 2000 words in

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