Good Clinical Practice

In this Module, refer to the research article, “Good Clinical Practice Training: Identifying Key Elements and
Strategies for Increasing Training Efficiency,” and answer the following questions:
What is the overall research question or primary objective of this article? (1-2 sentences)
List the summary of findings the authors discuss after performing a literature review. What topics did they find
were generally covered through most training programs? What topics were not? Explain why you think these
papers failed to discuss these topics (3-4 paragraphs).
The authors discuss the final set of recommendations made for GCP training. List these recommendations
from the article and describe how you feel each recommendation will help contribute to maintaining the
accuracy and credibility of data reporting (2-3 paragraphs)
Prior to this course, have you been exposed to GCP? If so, how was it presented to you, and did you find it
effective? If not exposed, what approach do you think would be most effective for you (use examples from the
article: 2-3 paragraphs)

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