PROactive Approach to Dilemmas

As you read the article, understand that proactive stands for (1) pooling knowledge, (2) reflecting respect, and (3) opening to action. These three steps help to create an ethical atmosphere. Developing trust, integrity, and respect is an ongoing process for professionals working with children, families, and colleagues.

After reading the article, write a 2-3 page paper that addresses the following:

Explain in what ways your own efforts in early childhood education reflect these three steps.
Where is there room for improvement in your “proactive” efforts? What would you do to improve in these areas?
Describe a situation where you relied upon trust, integrity, or respect in a professional setting.
The essay should include an introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph. The introduction paragraph should give a brief overview of the paper and the conclusion paragraph should tie all of the ideas together. Remember that proper paragraphs should be at least five sentences long and with expanded thoughts and ideas.

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