The Leadership Challenge, by James M. Kouzes and Barry

  1. Read pages 1 thru 115 of The Leadership Challenge, by James M. Kouzes and Barry M. Posner, © 2017 and then write a short reflection piece sharing the most significant learnings you got out of the reading. Maximum length of your essay should be no more than three pages.
  2. In your essay, please put the date you completed the assignment, your name, and your student ID number in the top left corner of your paper.

Key Topics: The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership The Ten Commitments of LeadershipLEARNING OBJECTIVESUpon completing this assignment, students will:1. Be able to identify the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership and provide examples of each.2. Be able to list the Ten Commitments and explain their basic meaning.3. Be able to show the alignment or mapping of the Ten Commitments to the Five Practices.

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