Metabolic Processes


  1. Give examples of C4 plants and the general conditions and climates they grow in.
  2. How is a C4 plant equipped to survive and adapt to its conditions? Explain in terms of the Hatch-Slack Pathway.
  3. In detail, explain the competitive inhibition of rubisco by O2. How have C4 plants evolved to overcome photorespiration?
  4. Describe CAM plants and give examples and the conditions they grow in.
  5. Explain why it is advantageous for the stomata of CAM plants to close during the day.
  6. At what time of the day would you expect to find the most malate in a CAM plant? At what time of the day would you expect to find the most G3P? Explain.
  7. What factors affect the rate of photosynthesis?

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