Legislators-at the the state and federal level

The purpose of this assignment is for you to know who are your legislators-at the the state and federal level–and to know their platforms (what issues do they care about). There is a difference between your state legislators (that meet in Austin, TX and make laws that affect only Texans) and your federal legislators (that meet in Washington, DC and make laws that affect everyone in the U.S.). Thus, one person will not hold more than one position–i.e. you will not have Thor as HOR in the state and in the federal gov’t.

A. You will have to write in complete sentences.

B. You can use this link to find all your legislators: https://house.texas.gov/members/find-your-representative/

*If this link does not work you will have to do the research.

C. For #4 you will have to do research on your legislators.

1) What city do you live in and what is your zip code?

2) House of Representatives (HoR)

a. Who is your Texas House Representative?

b. Who is your U.S. House Representative?

3) Senators

a. Who is your Texas Senator?

b. Who is your U.S. Senator? There are two senators, only pick one.

4) Answer the following questions for the four candidates that represent you. Use the same ones you picked above and structure your answers in a way I can identify the legislators.

a. What is their political party?

b. What three issues do they believe are important?

c. What issue(s) do you care about that they do not address?

d. Are they running for reelection? Yes or no

i. If yes, is there an opponent?

e. Only for Texas legislators—TX HoR and Senator

i. What is their occupation when they are not in session?

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