Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Managers understand that customer satisfaction leads to customer loyalty, and loyal customers drive growth,
sales, and profitability. However, measuring customer satisfaction can be a difficult task to accomplish. There
are many different tools and practices used by businesses that try to correlate customer satisfaction scores
with company growth and financial success.
Click here to access a pdf by Genroe (Australia) Pty Ltd. titled Net Promoter Score® – A Brief Introduction.
Conduct additional research to gather information on tools used to assess customer satisfaction. Analyze the
results of your research to answer the following questions:
Describe how customer satisfaction is related to repurchase intentions and loyalty
Explain how measuring customer satisfaction can be used as a point of differentiation when attempting to
attract new customers.
Distinguish the differences between measuring customer retention rates and customer loyalty rates. Which one
is likely to have a higher correlation to company growth, and why?
What inferences can be made when the use of two different customer satisfaction metrics results in different
customer satisfaction ratings for each?
Compose your answers with a minimum of one paragraph per question (minimum of 4 paragraphs total). At
least one outside research source is required for this assignment. Cite your sources according to APA
guidelines. The guidelines for In-Text citations may be found here.
Post your work to the appropriate Peer-to-Peer Discussion Board space. After posting, read Reviewing and
Commenting Click for more options guidelines. Then review at least one of your classmates’ threads for this
assignment and provide constructive feedback.
There are excellent resources in your Communication TOOLBOX for understanding and improving your
constructive feedback techniques. Click Here and look for the resources with the “Evaluating” preface in the
This rubric is a tool you may reference when providing constructive feedback on your peers’ posts. Peer-toPeer Assignment Rubric Click for more options
*When you have completed the assignment below, here’s how to submit your Peer-to-Peer Thread: Click the
title ‘4.1 – Measuring Customer Satisfaction P2P’ link. After the page opens, click Create Thread to add your
entry. When finished, click Submit.
*For additional assistance with the skills used in this assignment, refer to the TOOLBOXES or click on the
icons below
Preferred language style Simple (Easy vocabulary, simple grammar constructions)

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