The process of mutation

  1. Understanding: A mutation leads to a change in amino acid from serine, an amino acid with a polar side
    chain, to alanine, an amino acid with a nonpolar side chain Do you think that the following levels of protein
    structure change? If so how and why? If not, why not. Please frame your answer in terms of chemical bonds
    and interactions.
    Primary Structure
    Secondary Structure
    Tertiary Structure
    Quaternary Structure
    Analyzing: The enzyme lysozyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds of peptidoglycans, a molecule
    found in the cell wall of some bacteria. Consider the three-dimensional model of the tertiary structure enzyme
    lysozyme (A) and a map of the primary structure of lysozyme showing the location amino acids that participate
    in binding and catalysis at the active site (B) and answer the following questions.
    three dimensional structure of lysozyme
    Lysozyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds from peptidoglycans but does not catalyze the
    hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds in glycogen. Why?
    Research has shown that amino acid 35 (yellow), a glutamic acid, an amino acid with a negatively-charged
    side chain, is critical for catalysis. Other studies have found that amino acids 62 (pink) and 63 (purple), both
    tryptophan, an amino acid with a positively-charged side chain, are critical for substrate binding. Use this
    information and figure 4.2 in your book to answer the following questions: Do you think changing amino acid 35
    from glutamic acid to a lysine, an amino acid with a positively-charged side chain will affect substrate binding,
    catalysis, both, or neither? Explain your answer
    Applying: Refer to the Lac operon to answer the questions below
    lac operon diagram
    How does the presence or absence of different carbon sources affect the expression of genes in the Lac
    operon? The first row is filled out as an example:
    Carbon source
    Lac repressor
    Expression of genes in Lac operon
    Bound to DNA
    Glucose + lactose
    You isolate a mutant that produces the repressor protein but also produces B-galactosidase whether or not
    lactose is present. In which gene would you expect to find that mutation to be and why?
    You isolate a mutant strain with a mutation in lacP (promotor) that prevents RNA polymerase from binding.
    When would expect this strain to produce B-galactosidase: all the time, only in the presence of lactose, or
    never? Explain your reasoning.
    Analyzing Mini-case study: Researcher studying epigenetic changes induced by exercise had participants
    pedal a stationary bicycle with only one leg for 45 minutes a day, 4 times a week for 3 months. They then took
    muscle biopsies from both legs (the one that exercised and the one did not) and compared DNA to look for
    epigenetic changes induced by exercise. They found over 5,000 sites on the genome where methylation
    patterns differed between the DNA isolated from the exercised leg and DNA isolated from the non-exercised
    A. How would you predict these changes would affect transcription and translation? Is there other information
    you need to know to feel confident in your prediction?
    B. Would these changes be passed down to the participants’ offspring? Why or why not?
    C. Why did they have all participants exercise only one leg rather than having two groups- one who exercised
    and one who did not?

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