Analyzing a sheet Budget 2020.

Paper instructions

The first file will be a Word document, which describes the purpose of your spreadsheet. Save as: Final Project Word FName LName.

  • What problem does it solve for you?
  • How does it make your efforts to accomplish some task easier?
  • What would another user need to know about this sheet to keep it current?
  • Describe some of the features you have learned in this course that you think will help you in the future.
    The second file will done in Excel creating 1 workbook from scratch and not using a template with 3 sheets. Save As: Final Project Excel FName LName. For whatever purpose it was created, it should work!
    Sheet 1: Name sheet Budget 2020. Create a 2020 Budget for yourself. It should include the following:
    Income, Total Income, Expenses (can include mortgage, electricity, cable or dish, college (tuition, books), insurance, car payment, food, entertainment, etc), Total Expenses, Net Income (Income minus Expenses). Formulas must be designed that calculate accurately. Formulas to include Sum, Min, Max, Count. Work these formulas into your spreadsheet. Format your spreadsheet using Bold, Fonts, Font size, Underline, Merge and Center, Currency, decimal placement, Centering, indenting, and styles. The more you use the better your score. Show me your knowledge of what you learned through the book and class.
    Sheet 2: Name sheet Car Payment. Do a Payment Function to buy a vehicle within your budget. This car payment will be included in your Budget 2020 worksheet. Enhance this spreadsheet with formatting.
    Interest Rate is 3.89%
    Duration: 60 months
    Sheet 3: Create a Clustered Bar Chart of your Budget 2020 using expenses and months. Move this chart into its on sheet and name the sheet Income Expense Chart. Chart should have Title, Legend, Data Label Call Out on highest expense, Fill color to chart area and plot area. Enhance this chart with formatting too.
    Create a Column Sparkline on your sheet Budget 2020 to convey the Expenses Totals. Put the Sparkline to the right of your spreadsheet.

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