
Complete methods Section I for this week’s assignment. It consists of Methodolgy, Units of Analysis, Population, and Sampling:
Fully develop and articulate the methodology for the research project you propose to execute.
This requires that the student provide a detailed methods section including all of the elements
necessary to conduct a viable research project. Make sure to cite the texts from Methods and
Statistics in this section to provide the academic rendering of the concepts and stages of the
process. Then, explain the concepts in your own words to reveal student understanding of the
components before applying the concepts to your project using specific terms and numbers. We
will address this major section of the project in three sections over the course of three weeks.
Note that all sections are integrated and fault in one creates fault in all the other sections. THIS
section is the major emphasis of this course. We are trying to assess whether or not you can
identify a research problem and develop a process by which to investigate it using the tried and
true research methods for social sciences. The subsections for this requirement include:
A. (1) The methodology to be employed (quantitative/qualitative/mixed methods/etc.) and
reasoning why it is appropriate for your study. Review the types of methodology in your
research methods text and figure out which method would be best to carry out the present task.
While you may personally prefer one method over another, that does not mean you should
choose that method. It is important to choose the method that will best allow you to investigate
the phenomenon under consideration and, more importantly, that will permit you to fulfill the
requirements of this course. Define the method by citing the text and explain it in your own
words. Further, explain why it is appropriate for your particular study (and don’t say because it
allows you “to fulfill the course requirements”). (2) What are the units of analysis in your study? Define this concept through text citation and
explain same in your own words before identifying your units of analysis. This is an important
concept because you need to focus with specificity on exactly what you are exploring once you
identify your research problem. (3) Define the concept of population via text citation, explain in
your own words and then identity the population you seek to examine. Note that there is a broad
population from which you will have to narrow in order to be able to develop a workable sample.
(4) Review and select sampling techniques in your methods textbook, define and explain in your own words. Then, select the appropriate sampling
technique for your study and detail how you
would go about securing your sample for the study

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