Assess his/her dietary intake and to use knowledge learned in this class to make positive changes. The intent is for this to be a practical experience that benefits you personally. Part I (data collection) Usual Diet (the way you normally eat on a typical day) 5 points 1. Use the Calc Plus program in Connect (under Bookmarks, front page) to analyze your regular day. Make sure you include all meals and snacks for 3 days. Do not change the way you eat and choose the most typical day of your week. Exclude Saturdays and Sundays

(weekend days aren’t typical). Include nutritional supplements if you consume them such as multiple vitamins and protein powders. 2. Provide the following reports: (10 point)Food list (2 point) Bar graph report (2 point) Nutrition Facts Report (2)Calorie Assessment (2 point) Myplate report (2 point) You should cut and paste these reports into a word document to present this information in a clear manner.*Other reports are available but not required. However, you may need them to answer the questions in part III. Part II (data collection and design) 50 points (Revised Diet)1. Follow the individually prescribed diet-based on the profile-that the dietary analysis program created for you (The Myplate report gives you the basic pattern). Plan the perfect diet for 1 of the 3 days based on the recommendations from the pyramid created by your dietary analysis program. Keep in mind nutrient density (color) in planning your diet and the four components of the healthy diet: variety, balance, moderation and adequacy. List the foods per meal and described preparation and portion size. Use your Calc Plus program in Connect (under Bookmarks, front page) to analyze your Revised day.

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