READ: “Corporate Image to Brand Image- Yuhan-Kimberly” in Management as a Liberal Art: A Selection of
Readings, pages 77-78.
in this link:
Answer the following question.
In this chapter, you will read about the actions of Yuhan-Kimberly’s CEO, Kook-Hyun Moon and his
involvement in bettering the environment through renewable forests. Peter Drucker argues that organizations
should seek first to achieve their primary mission. Is forest restoration directed related to Yuhan-Kimberly’s
business? If not, how can it be justified from a financial standpoint? Finally, how do Yihan-Kimberly’s actions in
regards to the environment align with Peter Drucker’s vision of a corporation which furthers the public good?
-Respond to the question thoroughly. This is a formal assignment with a minimum of 200-250 words.
-It should include at least one reference from relevant peer-reviewed journal articles and/or books found within
the online LIRN library or other reputable sources.
-These must be properly cited in APA format. Remember you can also use your textbook.