Present a report to the Australian government describing a 20 yr. plan for providing for
the energy needs of one of the following communities:
- Norfolk Island, 1500 km east of mainland Australia.
- Any remote sheep/cattle station, farm or any off-the-grid community in Australia
- One of Mawson, Davis or Casey Research Stations in Antarctica
You will need to consider the following for your report:
o Description of location, population, and current energy available and projected energy demands (in 20 years’ time) of the
community you have chosen.
o Outline the scientific process for obtaining useful energy from both the energy resource at present and the possible option
available in future for the community.
o Discuss environmental impact of your chosen option in comparison to the current energy source.
o Discuss and analyse feasibility of your chosen option in relation to one of the factors, such as social, economic, political,
cultural or ethical.
o Provide a recommendation to the Australian government, consistent with your research, as to why your 20 yr. plan option