Dr. John Ratey’s talk

After reading chapter 12, please watch Run, Jump, Learn! How Exercise can Transform our Schools: John J. Ratey, MD at TEDxManhattanBeach below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBSVZdTQmDs&feature=youtu.beThen share at least two ideas that you found interesting about Dr. John Ratey’s talk. Be sure to write thoughtful responses, at least a paragraph for each thought.

Answer the questions by clicking the “reply” button at the bottom of this window and type in your answer. Once you are done, click the red “post reply” button to the bottom right to submit it for grading. You will need to post to this discussion before you will be able to see the posts from your peers. Once you have posted, you are asked to read and respond to two of your classmates.

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