Channels, Customer Relationships, and Reaching Customers

What is the primary channel that your unicorn company uses to:
deliver products and/or services to customers
communicate with potential and existing customers
How would you describe the relationship your company has with customers? Deeply personalized, humancentered interactions like a private banker, or highly-automated and impersonal, or something in-between?
Why do you think the customer interaction is designed in this way?
Does your unicorn company primarily employ an intensive, exclusive, or selective distribution strategy, and why
do you think they designed it this way?
Describe the decision-maker(s) (customers) for the main product or service offered by your unicorn company,
and any thoughts you have on the likely decision-making process. How does your unicorn company influence
these decision-makers (customers)?
Think about the likely Customer Acquisition Costs and Lifetime Value of a typical unicorn company customer?
Do you think your unicorn company is making money, or are they losing money now on marketing to build
customer market share for future growth prospects?
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Startup Assignments Overview page.
BLHS 225 Unicorn Startup Assignment
BLHS 225 Unicorn Startup Assignment
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