Origin of Life Purpose

To examine the themes regarding the origin of life on plate Earth. Objective: To better understand ones own position on the origin of life and to consider whether or nut life exists elsewhere in the universe.
Is it nut that we know the origin of life on planet Faith or does it still remain a mystery? In this assignment you will explore different theories of lb° origin of life on Earths Perhaps you will gain some insight as to your own position on this intriguing question. Use interne research to compkte this assignment. Pkase cite all %curets of information ming APA style will be wry gee about plagianaoll!!). You do tit need to orpnec the info:motion into an essay format, but instead think of it as a question and answer paper.
I. DISGUST the following theories in a single paragraph each.
A. Divine Creation B. Spontaneous Generation C. Chemical Took:bon D. Extratenrsuial (pick either aliens or meteorites) E. Indigenous Beef (pick one indigenous groupimany, many exist) such as a Native American or Australian Abotiginal and describe their belief on the origin of life.

  1. Is thew evidence of Isle existing on planets elsewhere in the unit erne? (answer this with 1-2 paragraphs and again cite sources of your information)

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