The aid of graphs

  1. (a) Describe and explain with the aid of graphs how a square wave pulse train with frequency f and amplitude A can be generated using Fourier series. As part of your answer you should include consideration of the effect of increasing the number of Fourier series terms used. (5 marks)

(b) Describe and explain Nyquist’s sampling theorem and its relevance in communications systems. Using graphs of sine waves with different frequencies, explain the importance of sampling rate and quantisation. (6 marks)

(c) With the aid of graphs, explain what signal conditioning would be desirable prior to transmission of a rectangular pulse train signal down a communications channel. (5 marks

(d) Explain the use of channel coding in Digital Communications and explain how the Hamming distance can be determined for Block Codes.

e) Navigate to Kingston University’s public website at, using a web browser of your choice. The following questions require you to inspect the site’s certificate: What type of certificate is it, when was it created, and when will it expire? What is the name of Kingston’s Certificate Authority (CA)? In your opinion, why might the university have chosen this particular CA? (5 marks)

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