The Hearth and the Salamander

• Use this handout to discuss Part One of F451.
• Of course, discuss anything else you might discover that is not listed here.

  1. All protagonists must change in a story. Montag is our protagonist. What events help him to change? Who helps him to change?
  2. Analyze the scenes with Clarisse and compare/contrast them to Mildred: who they are as characters, their actions, the setting they are in, etc.
  3. Technology plays an important role in all parts of this novel. Discuss its impact on the world in Part One: the characters, the government of a futuristic United States, etc. What do you think Ray Bradbury was concerned about with such technology?
  4. Bradbury utilizes various symbolic elements in the novel. What symbolism can you find in Part One?
  5. Motifs are objects and ideas that repeat themselves in a literary work. What motifs are present in Part One?
  6. Discuss any irony and paradoxes in Part One. What is the impact of Bradbury’s use of irony and paradoxes?
  7. What causes Montag to become sick? Is he really sick? What’s going on with him? And how does Mildred respond?
  8. Examine Captain Beatty as a character. What does he represent?
  9. Examine closely the scene when Beatty visits Montag when he is sick. What does Beatty tell Montag? What are some of the important details? Why does he tell Montag all that information?
  10. What themes are present in Part One? To find themes you need to look at characters, setting, plot, symbolism, motifs, etc.
  11. Is there anything you want to discuss that is not listed on this study guide? Please share.

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