Handoffs in Patient Care

In 900 words or less, using the template provided, you are asked to develop a response to the questions below.

To begin, identify four factors contributing to patient handoff problems at Midwest University Medical Center.
For each of the factors identified in question 1, describe one control element that is being negatively impacted by the current managerial control(handoff) process (one paragraph each).
As the hospital administrator, identify one managerial control action (one paragraph each) you would undertake to address each of the negatively impacted control elements listed in question 2. Support your decision making with lesson readings and/or outside sources. For additional sources, you might skim the Lesson One readings.
In your professional opinion, are there other factors within the existing system that could be impacting trust and cooperation? In 250 words or less, why or why not? Support your opinion with an outside peer reviewed or professional source.

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