Data: Promises, Problems (reading response)

In his book Memory Practices in the Sciences, Geoffrey Bowker, Professor at the iSchool at UCIrvine, wrote
“Raw data is both an oxymoron and a bad idea; to the contrary, data should be cooked with care.” What does
this sentence mean to you? How does it apply to the cases of using data in responses to humanitarian
Your reading response will be graded out of 4 points, as follows:

  • 1 point for submission;
  • 1 point for correct length (i.e. minimum length 150 words, maximum length 200 words);
  • 1 point for addressing the task;
  • 1 point for referring to at least three of this week’s readings.
    Indicate in your reading response where you are referring to a reading by writing the author’s name and the
    year of publication in the appropriate place, e.g., “As Collins (1980) states, the Challenger disaster was caused
    by failures of communication…”

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