Concepts that can influence/motivate how students perform in the classroom

Essay 1 Prompt
For this assignment, we have read about several traits and concepts that can influence/motivate how students
perform in the classroom: fixed and growth mindset, habits of mind, inner self talk. (And optionally: autonomy,
mastery, and purpose). For this assignment, I would like you to choose one of these traits or concepts, explain
it for your readers by using information from the text that explains that trait or concept, and discuss how this
trait or concept has impacted your view of yourself, your performance, and your motivation as a student and as
a learner in general.
Be sure to make sure your essay aligns with the following guidelines:
Explain your chosen trait or concept for readers who are not in this class and have not read the text. This
means you’ll need to spend some time summarizing key ideas, defining any terms that might be unfamiliar, and
choosing short quotations from the texts to help your reader get a sense of what the author is talking about.
Your summary of the concept should be woven throughout your educational history.
Choose at least 2 specific incidents from your educational history (meaning they must be academic) to
illustrate the impact of this trait or concept on your motivation as a student, and choose 1 specific incident of
learning that falls outside of academic learning. Please make sure you are making specific connections from
your 3 incidents back to the reading.
Please close by bringing me up to the present—How do you think you can use or develop this trait in this
specific writing class? How are you going to develop your motivation as a student/learner overall?
To give me as full and detailed an essay as possible, the essay must be 4 pages (~1000-1200 words).
This essay must be an argumentative essay.
Include Work Cited, at least 3-5 sources.

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