The difficulties in publishing a newspaper in colonial America

Explain the difficulties in publishing a newspaper in colonial America through the assigned essay readings . In doing so, you will be able to discuss the significance of America’s earliest newspapers in the colonies as well as the contributions of Benjamin Franklin and John Peter Zenger to colonial newspapers . This will build on the ideas you conveyed in the previous discussion on the early development of colonial newspapers.

Task: Follow the below instructions.

  1. Read two essays — “Summation in the Trial of John Peter Zenger (1735)” and “Apology for Printers (1731) — in the From Broadsheet to Broadband book, if you have not yet. (Note: You might need to read these essays a couple of times. They are written in old English that can be difficult to understand upon the first reading.)
  2. In a Word document, use passages and ideas from the essays to explain the difficulties in publishing a newspaper in colonial America.
  3. In addition, discuss how the essays shed insight on the significance of America’s earliest newspapers in the colonies. Cite specific sentences or passages to support your response.
  4. Discuss the contributions of Benjamin Franklin and John Peter Zenger to colonial newspapers. Cite specific sentences or passages to support your response.

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