Section One (Length: One Paragraph)–What specifically is the problem you will address and what, specifically is the solution you are offering? Your solution is your “position statement” and is similar to the idea of the thesis or purpose statement you should be familiar with from other types of writing. The key here is to focus on the one main issue that you will address. Often the cases have many issues. We are not looking for a restating of the case. Instead, we want you to zero in on the key issue you see and then providing a specific recommendation/solution.
Section Two (Length: 2-3 Paragraphs)–Here you should provide details from the case which relate to your position statement. Too often the tendency is to retell the case narrative. This is not an MBA work and is not an efficient use of your time. Instead, the listing of details should move beyond the obvious. Here you should demonstrate your analysis at work. What meaning are you making from the details? How are you interpreting the relevant facts to support your position statement?