Field Experience Worksheet.

Record your observations and thoughts on your lesson delivery in an informal anecdotal record or journal. This record does not need to be APA-formatted, but will accompany the submission of your paper.
Consider reflective questions like: What went well? What didn’t go well? How did you feel throughout the process? How did the students respond? What could you have done differently?
Write a minimum 700-word reflection of your instructional experience based on these observations. Include the following sections in your paper:

  1. Analysis of results
    a. Did students master the lesson objective(s)? Why or why not?
    b. What explanations do you think may account for the results? How can this explanation be supported by theory or research?
  2. Reflective practice
    a. What opportunities may I have missed?
    b. What would I do differently next time?
  3. Educator dispositions
    a. Reflect on your planning and lesson delivery and the dispositions of effective educators outlined below. In what areas did you do well, and how can you continue to develop in all areas?
    1) Professional competence and responsibility
    2) Professional and collaborative relationships (valuing diversity)
    3) Critical thinking and reflection

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