Strategic Management

Go to the Strategy Club website (…) and review the Sample Strategic Plan for Colgate-Palmolive (2019) under the student resources section. This sample strategic plan is an example of what your completed strategic case analysis should look like at the end of the course

An essential part of strategic analysis is identifying, evaluating, and selecting strategies. The Strategy-Formulation Analytical Framework assists you in this process. This framework consists of three stages and nine tools.

In this group CLC assignment, you will use two of these tools: External Factor Evaluation Matrix and Competitive Profile Matrix

Part 2: Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)

Develop a Competitive Profile Matrix for your CLC group’s selected company (Macy’s). Complete the following steps.

Step 1: Refer to Chapter 3 of the David text to learn how to complete an CPM Matrix.

Step 2: Open your Strategic-Planning Template. Click on the CPM tab at the bottom of the template.

Step 3: Refer back to the information provided for the team’s project case that you initially reviewed in at the beginning of the Topic 1 assignment and review the section on competitors. Also view online resources that compare the company with their primary competitor, or, if possible, two closest competitors. You should also use the sources listed in Table 3-7.

Step 4: Prepare a CPM that includes the team’s company and two primary competitors.

Step 5: In 250-350 words, write a brief explanation of the findings and implications of the data identified in the CPM. See the Sample Strategic Plan for Colgate-Palmolive (2019) as an example.

Step 6: What steps could be taken to improve the company’s competitive advantage? (500-700 words) Submit all parts of the assignment as one deliverable.

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