Research Deliverable

Objective: To answer the client question with in depth research that challenges the researcher to look at the question from a variety of angles

Format: informal format. Spelling, grammar, etc. are not graded. Please include your key findings organized as follows

  1. List your team objective/overall question
  2. List your specific tasks assigned for this deliverable
  3. Describe your research with the following information (or use the secondary research notes document outline)
    o Date of research
    o The key findings by source in 2 – 3 sentences or bullets
    o Reference in APA format. Include link if found online. I cannot access library links that are copied/pasted from the address section. You must copy the link in the right hand side of the screen. Please also give me the APA format in case so I can look it myself if the link fails.
    o The category your group agreed on (for the purposes of this deliverable, one category should be ‘not relevant to our question’ to foster out of the box research). Sort the findings by category
  4. List the gaps (for the first research deliverable, this should be a list of research areas you will cover for the second deliverable. For the second deliverable, this should be a list of areas that you will not cover. This will be used in case the client asks a question in this area).

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