Video Critique

Watch the following video. The title is Financial Management For The Supply Chain Professional. Here is the
link Please watch the video and write a video critique using the following
The critique should be between 500 and 750 words long. They should be well written, following standard rules
of grammar and composition, and developing consistent, cohesive ideas over several paragraphs.
A critique is an analytical essay on a video, in which you give your opinion on the aesthetic quality of the video
and then give your reasons for your opinion. Do not limit yourself to reacting to the video (“I loved it !”) and do
not use generic terms like “incredible,” “wonderful,” “marvelous,” etc. Unlike a review, you assume that the
reader has already seen the video; you do not need to give an extensive plot summary; you do not need to
hide plot information so as not to spoil the surprise of the viewer, and you do need to be consistently analytical
and critical.
Your first paragraph should summarize the film’s plot and act as a transition to the analytical part of the essay.
The second paragraph should explain how the Supply Chain concepts for the week were depicted by the film
and why the depiction was or was not meaningful. What Supply Chain lessons were learned? What
suggestions might you give to the role players to effectuate different and perhaps more satisfying (or even
prosperous) results?
You are under all circumstances to make sure the opinions expressed in your film critiques are yours and not
those borrowed from a printed or internet source! Plagiarism will be severely treated in this class. I encourage
you to consult outside sources on the film you are critiquing, but you must use a reference system to credit all
the sources you use.
Sections Points Possible Points Received
• First paragraph
a. Summarize the film’s plot or principal action or genre
25 25
• Second paragraph
a. Explain how the HR concepts for the week were depicted by the film and why the depiction was or was not
meaningful 25 25
• Answer these questions:
a. What HR lessons were learned?
b. What suggestions might you give to the role players to effectuate different and perhaps more satisfying (or
even prosperous) result?

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