“metabolist” architecture attempt to learn from nature

There are 11 question, please answer them by reading the lectures and readings that I upload. I will upload
Nots as soon as I get them. its is really important that the answers come from the materials that I uploaded. I
really be appreciate if you mention which reading or lecture and what pages you find the answers.
Thank you!

  1. What was the difference between the eighteenth- and the nineteenth-century notions of learning from
  2. What was new about “metabolist” architecture attempt to learn from nature?
  3. What was new about the early millennium idea of architecture learning from nature?
  4. What did Viollet-le-Duc think of the theory that interpreted Greek classical orders as a stone replica of an
    older wooden prototype? What elements of Greek Doric capital he analyzed to prove that it was a genuinely
    stone construction?
  5. List the four elements of architecture according to Gottfried Semper? What were the materials he associated
    with each of them?
  6. How do you understand several differentiations made by Jesse Reiser in his “Atlas of novel tectonics, such
    as those between “extensive” and “intensive” difference; simple nested hierarchy and complex hierarchy? For
    any extra-credit (maximum of 4 points) discuss additional aspects of Reiser and Umemoto’s theory.
  7. Why did “utopian socialists” embrace the idea of transparent buildings made out of glass and iron (or steel)?
    Give examples of thinkers and projects (executed and visionary).
  8. What were additional aspects of transparency that early twentieth-century modernists considered as
    representative of progress and liberation? Give examples of architects and projects.
  9. Why did some theorists question an uncritical admiration of transparency? Give examples of theorists and
    their theories.
  10. How do you understand Rowe and Sutzky’s notion of “literal” and “phenomenal” transparency. Give
    examples of buildings and art-works.
  11. What features of “phenomenal” transparency have been considered capable of producing a spiritual
    experience? Mention other typologies which also employed these features.

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