Wicked problems

In addition, the writing assignment is structured to strengthen the student’s reading comprehension, critical
analysis, and composition skills. These skills are all useful in graduate school and in post-graduation
employment in any occupational field. Additionally, many academic disciplines require critical essays as part of
their classes and therefore, this skill will be useful for you in your upper division classes.
Students are required to pick a region/country/ethnic group that is facing unresolved challenges that may
escalate if not addressed.

  1. Abstract or summary of the issue, the players (people/groups/nations involved), history or origins of the
    issues, and what, if any, geopolitical or economic linkages exist between the players.
  2. Why this issue is of interest to you. Why did you pick the topic.
  3. What was the extent of your research on the topic. You must reference at least 3 articles from reputable
    sources that discuss the issue (not social media posts/comment feeds)
  4. What aspects of your issue do you feel are not being addressed by those with the power to make change?
    Why do you think those aspects are being ignored?
  5. What changes in policy do you think would be beneficial to helping alleviate the situation? What kinds of
    resources/policies/international cooperation would be necessary?
    Formatting Requirements for Writing Assignment:
    The following points are to be followed when writing the paper for this class:
    ● Length: 3-5 full text pages (approximately 725 words to 1200 words). This page requirement only includes
    the body of the text. It does not include endnotes, graphics, cover page or bibliography (works cited) page.
    ● Documentation: Please use one of the following citation formats: MLA, APA, ASA, Turabian or Chicago
    Manual Style. Do not use footnotes. If you want to use the footnote method, please convert them into endnotes
    and place them at the end of the paper.
    ● Very Important! Anything that is not your own original thought or original words should be cited in the paper. If
    you have any questions concerning citation of sources for this paper, please see the course instructor.
    ● Students cannot reuse old writing assignments or portions of old writing assignment without prior approval by
    the instructor for the class. The use of written material from another class in this class without prior approval
    constitutes plagiarism and a violation of university policy.
    ● All papers must be typed and double-spaced.
    ● Students do not need to include a title page. Simply include your name, class and student ID number in the
    subject of your email.
    ● Margin requirements: 1 inch on the left, right, top, and bottom (Make sure to check this before writing the
    paper as often word processors are set at 1.25 inches on the left.) Also, be sure to not have an extra space
    between paragraphs. In Word, when a hard return is entered, it often adds an additional space between
    paragraphs. Please remove these extra spaces and have only double spacing throughout the entire paper. If
    you have questions concerning how to do this, please feel free to contact the professor.
    ● All pages should have page numbers in the lower righthand corner of the page.
    ● Times New Roman font only and 12-size font only. (Use of other fonts or sizes is strictly prohibited.)

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