Art & architecture ;Critique

Write a critique on a piece of artwork by an Oklahoma professional living artist. The artist must be working in
Oklahoma and is a professional artist. Professional is defined as someone who has received payment for their
work. Professional will also mean someone who exhibits their work in a public setting ( museum, galleries,
libraries, restaurants, coffee shops, etc).
Critiques should be 400 – 500 words long and image must be attached. You can insert a link for the image, but
it must go directly to the image of the critiqued work and not just to the website home page.
Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition (OVAC) ( (Links to an external site.) is a
statewide arts organization that also has a digital gallery that features a large variety of Oklahoma artist who
work in different mediums.
Oklahoma Art Guild (Links to an external site.) ( is another artists
organization that also has a digital gallery of Oklahoma artists.

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