Inequality for women in the 1800’s

Use Jane’s experience in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Louise’s trauma in “The
Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin
THESIS: Jane and Louise explicate the unequal patriarchy in the late 1800’s through their mental state, confinement from the outside world, and their lack of power in their marriages.
CLAIM ONE: Louise’s marriage was viewed as normal even though she was told how she must act, talk and dress.
CLAIM TWO: Women were not allowed to further their education. It was frowned upon.
COUNTERARGUMENT/REBUTTAL: Men and women during this era believed that women had no valuable opinion in politics, decisions, or education. In all actuality, inequality between the two sexes over long period of time has a harmful effect on the mental state. Louise suffered a traumatic death when she was ‘caught’ going outside and Jane endured an onslaught of belittling that resulted in mental illness all because she wanted to write in her journal.

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