Looking for change

Watch at https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Answer the following questions for this assignment. See your syllabus for grading rubric and details regarding
this assignment. You will need to include a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources in this paper. Maximum 8
pages, not including references or cover page. Use 12 pt font and 1” margins, and APA 6th edition writing style
Part 1:
Answer these questions:

  1. What was your overall reaction to the film?
  2. What is the prevalence of “underbanked” or “unbanked” people in the US? Provide statistics from peerreviewed sources, in addition to any information from the film that you care to include.
  3. What does it mean to be underbanked or unbanked, and what are the implications to that, in real life? (Use
    peer-reviewed sources here, too)
    Part 2:
    Explain how Debbie’s student loans impact on her ability to pay her bills and grow her business. What
    limitations are there on her entrepreneurship?
    Part 3:
    Answer these questions as the last section of your paper:
  4. What are the implications of these types of situations for social work? How can social service agencies
    change or improve their mission to help people like those in this film? Apply at least one concept from your
    textbook to help support your answer.
  5. Pick one of the families/individuals in the film. Explore some options that the family/person might have, here
    in Central Florida, to move in the direction of their goals, and provide a concrete action plan. Provide
    explanation for why you make each suggestion and why you think it would work. Focus on applying a
    generalist model of social work practice, and using a strengths-based perspective

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