Wildlife Habitat Suitability Analysis and Report

Option 1: Visiting a nearby wooded area
If you are able to do so, please visit a nearby wooded area (please review the safety
guidelines outlined in the Lab 1 handout). Follow the following procedure to complete
the lab:
 Establish a 10mX10m plot (or 10 large paces X 10 large paces); if possible, mark the
corners of your plot with string, tape, or anything other visible object
 Complete the sheet on page 7 AND take detailed field notes (they will come in
handy when completing the assignment)
 Once your plot is established:

  1. Describe the strata at the location (as described above)
  2. Identify all tree species in the location (use the tree id kit included in this lab’s
    materials, or any number of plant identification apps, such as iNaturalist)
  3. Use the key in Appendix 1 of this handout to determine the location’s Ecosite #
     NOTE: Three spaces are provided on the page 7, so that you can practice keying out
    up to 3 different locations. Only one site must be keyed-out to complete the
    Option 2: A virtual visit to the “Dairy Bush”
    If you are unable to visit an outdoor location, then you can complete the following steps:
  4. Follow this link to view a high resolution digital image taken of a wooded area in
    Guelph, Ontario.
  5. Called a “gigapan”, this image will allow you to zoom in to the trees in the area to
    identify what species they are (Note: in the image, some trees with green tape
    have their foliage attached to the trunk for easier identification)
  6. Use the key in Appendix 1 of this handout to determine the location’s Ecosite
    NOTE: Tips for proper use of the key in Appendix 1
     The dichotomous key in Appendix 1 uses short forms of tree species names that
    are referenced in Appendix 2. For example, Mh is short for “Sugar Maple”, or
    “Hard Maple”; Ce is “Eastern White Cedar”, etc.
     At the START: Unless you are in a very wet location with the tree associations
    mentioned, then your answer to the first question under “START” is probably
    “NO” or “N” and would bring you past “Division 2” (i.e. the 2 inside a circle).
    Answering “N” to that first question will keep you on the same page of the key for
    the next question that asks about the Overstorey tree species composition. If
    you answer “YES” or “Y” to that first question, then you proceed along the arrow
    marked “A” to the next page and along past “Division 21”.
     Continue following the questions as you proceed through the key based on the
    species composition of the trees that make up the canopy or overstorey (see
    page 2)
    o For the gigapan, the camera is not directly pointing up at the canopy, but
    you should be able to determine the dominant (or most abundant) tree
    species that makes up the canopy
     When you get to the bottom of the key, you will reach an Ecosite # that is divided
    as #.1 or #.2. Ignore the decimal value, and just use the whole number. For
    example, Ecosite 26.1 or 26.2, should simply be considered Ecosite 26

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