Clinical skills in a role-play clinical session.

This project is a cumulative analysis that provides an opportunity to review, reflect on, critique, and analyze your clinical skills in a role-play clinical session. After conducting and recording a role-play during residency, you reviewed your recording in Unit 4, listening and noting the times you used the Narrative model you chose for your role play, as well as foundational skills that were used. You looked for questions, interventions, or techniques that align with the Narrative model. You should have also identified exemplars for the narrative analysis section of the project paper, where you will illustrate the demonstration of these skills. If you transcribed the session, you can read it to review your recording. The transcription may also help you to identify the exemplars to be used in your paper.
Section 1 – Introduction (2–3 paragraphs):
Provide a general description of your selected case, an identification of the clients, and any other presenting information that sets a context for the case. Keep in mind that understanding the context of a case will help you identify the systemic nature of the presenting problem or problems. Include whether this is an initial session for the clients. Also identify the Narrative model you used and provide a brief overview of the model including theory of change, the stance of the therapist, and founding theorist or theorists.

Section 2 – Clinical Competency Demonstration and Theoretical Analysis (5–7 pages):
You will need to review and listen to your recorded session to complete this section. Exemplars from the session are required in this section to support your presentation of skills.

Clinical Competency Demonstration

Identify the overall clinical competencies demonstrated in your role-play, which include the application of foundational clinical and systems theory skills, joining and relationship skills, and assessment questions, depending on what was demonstrated in your role play. Examples include:
Reflection of feeling, minimal encouragers, empathic statement (core counseling skills).
Normalizing (systems theory intervention).
Reframing (systems theory intervention).
More advanced competencies, which might include:
Externalizing the problem (narrative theory intervention).
Scaling question (solution-focused theory intervention).
Assessment questions (identify the Narrative model to which they apply).
Questions that explore interactional cycles (Milan, MRI theories, Narrative model).
Include exemplars from your recorded role-play to illustrate your use of the clinical competency skills identified in this section.
Theoretical Analysis

From your recorded session, identify multiple theoretically informed questions and interventions that clearly show the application of the model. For example, “I applied the narrative intervention of externalizing ‘coming out’ as the problem that was impacting each of them, the relationship, and their relationship with family and friends.” Use exemplars from your recorded session to further illustrate the application of the chosen theory.

Evaluate the Outcome from a Systemic Perspective

After reviewing your entire taped session, reflect on what you thought was effective during the role play and what you would do differently now. In this section, evaluate the effectiveness of the competency applied and suggest what, if anything, you would do differently to better illustrate the theory or to enhance the clinical interaction. For example: “Externalizing the problem as ‘coming out’ allowed each partner to stand back from the problem and think about it without being defensive. They were able to see how the ‘problem’ was inviting distance between them, and they felt determined to protect the relationship and not let the difficulties of figuring out how and when to come out drive them apart. I wish I had asked, “How does ‘coming out’ entice you two to argue?” Be sure to include exemplars from your taped session to clearly illustrate and support the discussion.

Because your work is informed by a particular theoretical model, it is important to justify and provide a frame of reference for your points. Please make sure to include seminal articles from the founding theorists as citations for this section. (Narrative model)

Section 3 – Reflection on Self as the Therapist (1–2 pages):
Write a conclusion summarizing what you learned about your strengths and discussing areas for growth. Consider the following:

What have you discovered about yourself as a clinician?
What are some of the areas you now recognize as strengths and challenges?
What are the specific clinical skills you identified to work on?
What have you learned as a therapist to take care of yourself?
Section 4- Case Documentation & Genogram
In a separate document, attach a case note for your recorded role-play session, as well as a genogram based on the family dynamics you learned about your case. You can find several examples of case documentation in the required readings for this week.

Assignment Instructions
Write a paper conceptualizing the case that includes the following elements:

A description of the client family system, including identification of therapeutic issues and the relational and systemic patterns.
A discussion of a Narrative model being used, including a brief overview of the model, its theory of change, stance of the therapist, and founding theorist or theorists.issues and treatment needs of the client family.
A discussion of clinical competencies including the application of foundational clinical and systems theory skills, joining and relationship skills, and assessment questions.
A discussion of theoretically informed questions or interventions applied.
An evaluation of the effectiveness of a theoretical application with suggestions for alternate applications.
A reflection of the sociocultural aspects of the case, exploring any therapist biases or triggers that may affect the therapeutic relationship.
Recommended treatment goals for the client family. Discuss how you developed the treatment goals with the client family.
In a separate document, include the following:

Written case note based upon your role-play case.
A genogram based upon the family dynamics based upon your role play case

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