The undesirable variable is its impact on the student’s learning process

Provide the background information/history leading to your Action Research Study (i.e. The educational background of the student, current educational setting, previous and/or current interventions and rate of success and/or failure, etc.). – length should be about a page

Problem Statement:

What is the undesirable variable and what is its impact on the student’s learning process?

Comments from Customer
more detailed instructions;

‘Action Research Report’ Part 1a

Students will design an action research proposal that addresses an issue or problem
within either their own or another teacher’s classroom. Candidates will use inquiry-based
techniques to frame a set of questions, search and synthesize relevant current literature
related to the issue and potential solution, identify a methodology, implement at least
one method, collect and analyze data (progress monitoring), and detail results by
relating implications to practice and for future research.

Cover Page:
Include the title of the paper, running head, your name, and institutional affiliation
(this information should be centered, mid page.)
Provide the background information leading to your Action Research Study (i.e.
The educational background of the student, current educational setting, previous
and/or current interventions and rate of success and/or failure, etc.). – length
should be about a page
Problem Statement:
What is the undesirable variable and what is its impact on the student’s learning

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