The Influence of Monetary/Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand

Essay: Must select from a minimum of 6 to 7 must important highlighted concepts we have seen in class, that
you consider up to your discretion; or at your free will, any topic you desire. (From these chapters…Ch. 18:
Open-Economy Macro: Basic Concepts, Ch. 19: A Macro Theory of the Open Economy, Ch. 20: Aggregate
Demand & Aggregate Supply, Ch. 21: The Influence of Monetary/Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand, Ch. 22:
The Short-run Trade-off between Inflation & Unemployment from this book, Principles of Macroeconomics, N.
Gregory Mankiw 8th Ed.) These 6 to 7 most important concepts that you have been chosen, you will write an
Essay selecting an economic theme. Then you will begin to write your opinion, considerations, points of view,
and the meaning of these concepts considering in what this Essay is about. In your Essay, please use your
own words, do not copy-paste without your source citation. The Essay will have the following structure: A
Cover Page with your Name, Student ID, Day, and the Name giving to your Essay work. Also, the information
sources from where you have chosen to support your Essay. The Essay will range from 3 to 5 written pages, in
a letter form (8½”x11”); besides the Cover Page with your personal student information, and a final page with
the information sources you have been used (and maybe including some acknowledgments); but not more
pages please. Make sure you use acceptable, and conventional recognized secondary information sources on
internet. Your Essay project evaluation will be checked for academic irregularities, and you will receive a 0
Grade if your Essay is found to be someone else’s partial or entire work. All late work will receive a severe
grade penalty or may not to be accepted as my discretion, without any proper justification. The following ideas
may help you to give your Essay a structure, within at the most from 6 to 7 most important highlighted
economic concepts. You may use (as a suggestion, but not mandatory) the following structure that guide your
Assignments: 1) Introduce your Essay with an Article’s summary. 2) What is the article’s main idea? Explain /
Summarize in your own words what is the article writing it is about. 3) What it the issue at hand, what is the
author’s point of view, how is the author substantiating his opinion on the matter? 4) Want to get an “A” then
use other sources if desired, to talk about the same topic and expand the author’s article. And highlight the key
concepts from the first Day Class to the last Day Class of the lesson. 5) You can end it by providing your
opinion on the matter. Explain the main concepts, even though, do you believe the article is right/wrong and
why, is there any right/wrong on this matter? Notice any claims you make must be substantiated by hard
information, concepts in the lessons, and data that supports your claim. For each Essay it is recommended but
not mandatory, to submit it with the following Form & Style: 1) Your Essay must be typed double space. APA
Format 2) One-inch margins all around the page. 3) Font number 12, with words in Times New Roman, Arial,
Courier, and Verdana. Or any other standard font type. 4) Every article must have a Cover Page at the
beginning; and a References/Sources page at the end. Please visit for further information. 5)
Write it all in your own words, expressing yourself opinions about a theme, or topic. In case you copy/paste
paragraphs referring other authors words; please quote it, and cite the source from where you got it, in the last
page of your Essay. Your grade will be severely penalized if you copy/paste partial or all the work from another
author, without cite the source.

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