International Studies: A Global Perspective mid term

Various scholars recently question the future of our modern political system, nation-states, in the times in which
globalization is a fundamental global trend. What kind of difficulties do nation states confront now, and are
these more compelling than the difficulties nation-states encountered during the imperial period? What do you
think will be the future of the nation-state system?
2)Discuss the three vital dimensions of neoliberal features of globalization: privatization, liberalization, and
deregulation. What are they implying? Do you think they are necessary for the development process and the
globalized world? Why or why not? If you believe that they are necessary indicators, give an example of any
possible drawbacks of these indicators. If you believe that those measures do not appeal to you, give an
example of any possible benefits of them.
3)The UN has sent peace-keeping troops to nations in which they are not allowed to use force. This is an
example of both the power and the weakness of the United Nations. In what ways is the United Nations a
useful organization to resolve global issues? How has its charter limited its effectiveness? How effective has
the International Court of Justice -the main judicial instrument of the UN- been in preventing both conflict and
rights abuses?
4)Explain the three macro theories of social change —modernization, dependency theory, and world-systems
theory. What is your personal opinion about these theories? Which one do you engage most? Be sure to
include each theory’s significant tenets, how social change best occurs according to each theory, and each
theory’s limitations.

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