Pendulum project

Purpose: study the motion of a simple pendulum – a pendulum with a small angle of swing (~20 degrees from
the vertical).
Show by data what the period (time for one oscillation) depends on. Use different lengths of string, different
Equipment: pendulum support (e.g. edge of table, clamp); various lengths of string; various masses (anything
that can be attached to bottom of string, e.g. washers, weights); stop watch.
Procedure: the period is the time for one full swing (let go, let come back to starting point). Study what happens
to the period when you

  1. Change the weight (keeping the length the same)
  2. Change the length of the string (keeping the #washers the same)
    To measure the period more accurately, time 10 swings and divide by 10.
    Chart your data!
    Discuss conclusions.
    Discuss sources of error.

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